
2018年6月24日—Hi,IwouldlikestartusingaclipboardmanagerlikeDittoorCopyQbutidon'tknowhowmuchthistypeofsoftwarearesafetouse.,2023年7月31日—IwasrecommendedherebyausertouseDitto,butIsawCopyQandwouldliketoknowifanyonerecommendsitmainlyforthepurposeofuse ...,Advancedclipboardmanagerwitheditingandscriptingfeatures.·4.3.12votes.ClipboardMaster5.7.0·4.4.16votes.Ditto3.24.238.0·5/5.1votes.,CompareDittoVS...


2018年6月24日 — Hi, I would like start using a clipboard manager like Ditto or CopyQ but i don't know how much this type of software are safe to use.

Between Ditto and Copyq, which one do you prefer?

2023年7月31日 — I was recommended here by a user to use Ditto, but I saw CopyQ and would like to know if anyone recommends it mainly for the purpose of use ...

CopyQ Alternatives

Advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features. · 4.3. 12 votes. Clipboard Master 5.7.0 · 4.4. 16 votes. Ditto · 5/5. 1 votes.

Ditto VS CopyQ

Compare Ditto VS CopyQ and find out what's different, what people are saying, and what are their alternatives.

Ditto vs CopyQ detailed comparison as of 2024

When comparing Ditto vs CopyQ, the Slant community recommends Ditto for most people. In the question“What are the best clipboard managers for Windows?” Ditto is ...

Ditto, ClipMate, ClipboardFusion, CopyQ, ClipClip

2021年8月25日 — I've been using ClipClip for about 5 years now. I've tested Ditto. And CopyQ, but they've either just looked ugly, or had issues with not ...

Open Source Ditto Alternatives for Mac

Ditto is not available for Mac but there are some alternatives that runs on macOS with similar functionality. The best open source Mac alternative is CopyQ.


总结,CopyQ强大但复杂,不易上手;Ditto简洁易用,颜值还高。 两款都是免费的开源软件,根据喜好选择一款即可。 编辑于2023-01 ...

快速上手Ditto ,文書工作者必備的免費免安裝剪貼簿增強軟體

2011年2月23日 — Ditto最重要的功能,當然就是讓我們可以同時複製多項資料,並且可以在貼上時選擇要送出哪一則剪貼。 只要按下預設的〔Ctrl〕+〔`〕快捷鍵,就能呼叫出 ...

推荐两款剪切板增强工具,Ditto与CopyQ 原创

2022年5月25日 — 这款Ditto是一款开源的剪切板增强工具,它可以保存我们复制过的任何内容,文本、图像、视频、压缩包…… 在我们需要的时候可以随时通过Ditto调用它们,最 ...

Ditto 剪貼簿超能助手

Ditto 剪貼簿超能助手
